HOLIDAY IN IRAN - ECO - Persian Leopard...
Leopard season
Persian leopard is among the largest subspecies of leopard worldwide, however unfortunately it is under endangered status in much of its range. Persian leopards nowadays survive in low densities in most of the mountains and forests of Iran, wherever their preferred preys still exist. They mate in the winter and during this season they are diurnally active in their territories, leaving signs (scrapes on the ground, roaring, etc.) of their presence behind. Golestan National Park is one of the prime habitats of Persian leopard within their global range and during the winter there are higher chances of encountering signs of this elusive species in the Park.
Conservation of Persian Leopard
Late January, 3 days and 2 nights,accommodation In Golestan National Park,
Persian leopard mates in the winter and during this season they are diurnally active in their territories, leaving signs (scrapes on the ground, roaring, etc.) of their presence behind. During the winter there are higher chances of encountering signs of this elusive species in the Park.It takes place in steppe part of the park.
What to wear!
Bring your nature and winter clothes, harmonious with desert color (Khaki,cream),binocular, camera, rain coat and warm jacket.
Professional animal trackers(Ex-poachers) are leading this special tour.
Be ready for 15 kilometer of trekking.
Wildlife Tracks
January to March,3 days and 2 nights,accommodation Turkmen Ecolodge, During the winter there are higher chances of seeing animal signs and tracks on snow.
What to wear
bring your nature and winter cloth, harmonious with desert color (Khaki,cream),binocular, camera, Rain coat and warm jacket.
Local guide is leading this tour.
Be ready for 6-10 kilometer of trekking.
URLAUB IN IRAN - ECO - Persian Leopard